Oh, you may think that creativity is an inherent characteristic rather than something that can be learned and developed. This may be so, but without a favorable environment for creativity to be expressed, how can we expect to see ideas arising from our students? It is a fact that the demand for creativity from employees in the workforce is rising; therefore, creativity is a skill that students need to start developing at an early age. Or here is a thought; maybe as students advance we stifle some of their creativity by not giving them the simple thing called time.
Major corporations such as 3M and Google have realized the importance of designated creativity time for their employees. Companies may call it different things, such as 20% time, 15% time, or genius hour but no matter what it is called, it still serves the same purpose. Which is, allowing the employees to think, design and create new things. Our students are no different, they too need time to create.
In today’s podcast Chris will give you ways in which you can implement the creativity time in your classroom allowing your students to be creative thinkers.
Links mentioned in the podcast:
Using 20% time in Education http://www.theguardian.com/teacher-network/2012/oct/04/google-20-percent-time-schools
20Time in Education http://www.20timeineducation.com/
Genius Hour http://www.geniushour.com/
Google time was limited in 2013 http://www.forbes.com/sites/johnkotter/2013/08/21/googles-best-new-innovation-rules-around-20-time/
What are Google X labs? http://www.fastcompany.com/3028156/united-states-of-innovation/the-google-x-factor
You can always reach Chris Woods at:
Email: cwoods@clkschools.org
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