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STEM Everyday #54: Allison Bischoff



On episode 54 of the STEM Everyday podcast, Chris connects with Allison Bischoff.  Allison and Jessica Gordon founded the Rozzy Learning Company.



As a preschool teacher, Jessica spent hours digging through Pinterest boards, education blogs, and old curriculum guides to find science activities to do with her students. It quickly became clear that this was not the best of use of her time! Instead of focusing on doing what she loved—teaching—she was consumed by digging through hundreds of outdated or irrelevant activities.

She finally decided she and her fellow teachers had enough! So, along with her best friend Allison, Jessica wrote a STEAM-themed children’s book called Maggie the Magnifying Glass and began developing STEAM programs for young learners. Allison and Jessica wanted to create products that not only taught kids how to think like scientists but were also accessible to teachers and children in many different educational settings.

Beyond Rozzy’s children’s books and curricula, Jessica and Allison are dedicated to empowering teachers to build their own curricula and providing them with the tools to do so. Together, Jessica and Allison have designed tool kits and trainings to aid teachers in curriculum writing and development.

Rozzy Learning Co.                                                                                                                                 Twitter: @rozzyandfriends                                                                                    Facebook:                                         Website:

Chris Woods: Host of the STEM Everyday Podcast

Find Chris on Twitter @dailystem