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STEM is not a class you teach. It’s a culture you build.

Get a copy of Daily STEM on Amazon, get bulk copies at CodeBreaker, or use this free Book Study Guide in your school!

Daily STEM: How to Create a STEM Culture in your Classrooms & Communities

Has your school added a STEM class, or are you hoping to build more STEM into your school community? Buying a bunch of 3d printers and robot kits is a good start, but what does a sustainable STEM learning culture look like? This book will challenge you to think past the acronym and think about what it means to build a culture of STEM thinking in your school. You’ll find plenty of practical tips and examples to make STEM relevant to every subject and infuse it into every classroom and every home in your community.

Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of building a STEM culture, from Careers to STEAM to Literacy to Families to Making. There are also questions and videos at the end of each chapter to help you “Reflect & Refine” to enhance your discussion if you’re using Daily STEM in your PLC or PD.

Also, I’ve created a free Book Study Guide you can use! It’s in Google Slides, so you can use it, download it, or customize it.

Praise for Daily STEM

Wow everything I been thinking about and waiting for! “Daily STEM” is a must read for educators,
administrators and school board. Why STEM matters!

-Ascension Reyes | Technology Resource Teacher

Add more STEM to your classroom. Have you ever met a teacher and thought, that person should write a book? Well, Chris Woods is that teacher and this is that book. Filled with ideas and suggestions, Daily STEM will inspire you to inspire students. Prepare to launch your teaching to the next level!

-Mike Ransford | Educator | STEM Specialist

Prepare yourself for a lot of head nods as you read Daily STEM: How to Create a STEM Culture In Your Classrooms & Communities. Written in a conversational tone, you will feel an instant connection as author Chris Woods invites you into the world that he views through a STEM lens. Veteran and new teachers will appreciate the practical ways to incorporate STEM through simple hands-on learning experiences to more complicated activities. You’ll never look at a street sign, a cereal box, or your car dashboard the same again. When you beginning thinking “How would Chris use this to teach STEM?” the possibilities are endless!

-Kristina A. Holzweiss | 2015 Scholastic School Librarian of the Year | Co-Author of Hacking School Libraries

STEM can seem like such a big challenge for teachers and school leaders alike. We all want students engaged in meaningful, hands-on learning. But where do we begin? Start with Daily STEM. This awesome gift to educators by author Chris Woods is packed full of practical, logical, and easy steps teachers can and should take to bring STEM to life. It’s like having Chris right there coaching you, helping you find STEM in everyday life. Daily STEM will have you building a “culture of STEM” in your school or classroom and bringing relevant learning to life.
-Darrin M. Peppard, Ed.D. Superintendent | Author of Road To Awesome | Renaissance Hall of Fame

Traditional education has always treated science and the arts as two different fields, rather than integrating them, as they actually complement each other when implemented correctly. Steve Jobs once said, “It’s in Apple’s DNA that technology is not enough – technology married…with the arts yields in the results that make our hearts sing.” Daily Stem by Chris Woods will make your heart sing with its impressive collection of anecdotes, resources, and ideas for classroom implementation. This is not a “sit on your shelf ” book, but rather one that will be used again and again to empower educators to implement STEAM into classrooms everywhere and create opportunities for students to create, make, think critically, develop, and be the agents of change they were meant to be. Must read!

-Ms. Janice Alvarez | Reading Specialist

Chris’ book Daily STEM is exactly what every teacher needs to promote curiosity and hands-on learning in the classroom. He prompts critical thinking and offers experiences that are fun and engaging for students. It is packed full of cool ideas and STEM inspiration—a must read!!!

-Jacie Maslyk | Educator | Author | STEM Enthusiast