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Posts published in “STEM Everyday”

The STEM Everyday podcast focuses on how teachers can infuse STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) into their everyday lessons. We will explore and share great ideas that inspire the students to want to learn while challenging them in the process. It doesn’t matter what subject or grade level is being taught, STEM can be incorporated into all classrooms. This podcast aims to assist teachers in giving students needed opportunities to learn and take charge of their learning, rather than having them acquiring sequestered bits and pieces of content.

STEM Everyday #66 | Science for Kids | feat. Jenna Mercury


Jenna Mercury received her Masters of Science Education (K-8) from Lesley University in Cambridge, MA.  She joined Science4Us after dedicating 15+ years of teaching science in the classroom in both…

STEM Everyday #64: Chris’s STEM Short Takes


In this episode of the STEM Everyday podcast we try something a little different.  We took some video shorts from our host Chris Woods and put them together to create…

STEM Everyday #60: Calculators


The tools kids use in the classroom have sure changed over the years.  Phones once relied on a land line, you picked up the receiver and an operator connected your…

STEM Everyday Bonus!


It’s a bonus day for the STEM Everyday podcast. Our very own Chris Woods was a presenter at MACUL 2017.  He was kind enough to allow us to post the…