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Posts published in “STEM Everyday”

The STEM Everyday podcast focuses on how teachers can infuse STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) into their everyday lessons. We will explore and share great ideas that inspire the students to want to learn while challenging them in the process. It doesn’t matter what subject or grade level is being taught, STEM can be incorporated into all classrooms. This podcast aims to assist teachers in giving students needed opportunities to learn and take charge of their learning, rather than having them acquiring sequestered bits and pieces of content.

STEM Everyday #86 | A new way to think about the World | Coding Park


Coding Park by PlugBee is an interactive e-learning platform that helps kids learn computational thinking while playing games.  Kids code the progression of game characters using a programming language having the core concepts of…

STEM Everyday #82 | Kory Tellers | feat. Kory Graham


Kory Graham is an Elementary Innovations Teacher in Byron School district in SE Minnesota.  She has been teaching for almost thirty years. Connect with Kory: Blog: Twitter @korytellers  Chris Woods…

STEM Everyday #81 | Lang’s Lab | feat. Jodie Lang


What does Jodie Lang do in her classroom? •builds relationships • play games • encourages laughter • releases control, builds independence (in other words, stop taking yourself so seriously!) •…

STEM Everyday #78 | Robotics by Goldenrod | feat. Lea Melchior


Lea Melchior is the President of Goldenrod.  Goldenrod Research Corporation was founded in 1985 to bring education technology to life in 3 dimensions.  The company’s flagship offering is YouthTouch, a…