Helpful links for simple & free STEM you can use in your home or classroom:
2048 (a great sliding puzzle game that uses powers of 2)
Adsmudi (a number puzzle)
Algodoo (a free downloadable software to play with physics)
All Ten (a daily math puzzle for using 4 numbers to equal 10 )
BeeBot Simulator (early elementary coding robot)
Canadian Space Agency (everything about Canada’s space program)
Canadian Space Agency Resources (for youth and educators)
Chrome Music Lab (Google’s song maker that incorporates STEM)
Connections (a daily puzzle looking for how words fit in categories)
CutOutFoldUp (interesting things to make out of paper)
Darrell Wakelam’s Art Jumpstart (simple art projects using paper, cardboard, & recyclables)
Design Squad (ideas, games, & resources for making from PBSKids)
Desmos (calculator, grapher, & Math activities)
Dot Game (connect the dots and make more boxes than your opponent)
Dynamic Systems 1 & Dynamic Systems 2 (ball rolling challenges on
eBird (birdwatching resources & data collection)
EVERFI (free K-12 lessons in STEM, Financial Literacy, Workforce Readiness, & more)
First Robotics Simulator (FTC virtual simulator & programming lessons)
FoldnFly (paper airplane templates & tutorials)
Frog Jump (frog puzzle, get them from one side to the other)
Game About Squares (logic puzzle requiring you to move shapes in the right order)
Gear Generator (gear simulator)
Gear Sketch (draw gears & belts)
Google Santa Tracker (games & puzzles with a Christmas theme)
Google Trends (searchable data based on what people search for on Google)
Hatnote (lofi music generated by Wikipedia edits)
Icograms (a 3D isometric map & city builder)
Inspirograph (Spirograph simulator)
Instructables (How-to instructions for making almost anything)
Isometric Drawing Tool (virtual dot paper for drawing isometric pictures)
Isometric Block Builder (build simple 3d shapes with cubic blocks)
Joseph’s Machines (the best Rube Goldberg type machines on YouTube)
KenKen (a math facts puzzle game, like a crossword combined with sudoku)
King of Random (simple & sometimes strange experiments/projects on YouTube)
Litterati (global trash pickup, tagging, & data collection app for citizen science)
LOGO Simulator (the classic coding language with the turtle)
Marble Run (create simple marble runs that take longer to get to the finish line)
Mathigon (math tutorials, manipulatives, & resources)
Math In English (puzzles, brain teasers, crosswords, & more with a math theme)
MathIsFun (a variety of info, puzzles, & games with a math theme)
MathIsFun Math Trainer (practice your adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing skills)
MolView (create molecular models in 2d & view them in 3d)
Morse Code Trainer (a simple way to learn Morse code visually)
Mr Erdreich (a huge list of education resources, especially CAD, design, CS, & 3D Printing)
Museum of Math Venus App (an orbit simulator that’s very artistic)
NASA eClips (video segments & resources from NASA)
NASA Kids’ Club Games (a variety of interactive puzzles & games)
Nasa Live (watch NASA events live, like spacewalks & launches)
NASA STEM (STEM based activities from NASA for all grade levels)
NASA STEM on Station for Educators (international space station resources)
NASA STEM on Station for Students (international space station resources) (games, visualizations, interactives and other weird stuff)
OkGo Sandbox (STEM behind the OkGo music videos)
OpenMiddle (math puzzle problems sorted by grade & subject)
OzoBlockly (the Ozobot simulator online)
MyPhysicsLab (simple interactive Physics simulations)
Phet Simulations (interactive Science & Math simulations)
Piskel (pixel art & animated sprite creator)
Pixar in a Box (the STEM behind how Pixar movies are made)
Plumber Puzzle Game (rotate the pipe pieces to make the water flow)
Protobot (randomly generated design challenge ideas…caution, some are not school appropriate)
River Runner (drop a raindrop anywhere on earth and see where it would travel)
Science Buddies (science project ideas & resources)
Scrappy Circuits (cheap circuit ideas using paperclips, foil, cardboard, & more)
Scratch (simple block coding for everyone)
Set Online (the game of making groups of 3)
Set Daily Puzzle (a new group of cards each day, how many Sets can you find)
Skype a Scientist (a database of scientists around the world willing to connect with classrooms)
Solve it For Kids Podcast (interviews with people in exciting careers, with a problem solving focus)
Solve the Outbreak (try to find out what causes an outbreak, a text based Q&A game from the CDC)
SpaceX ISS Docking Simulator (try docking at the space station)
SpaceX Starship Game (try catching the starship booster with the “chopsticks”)
StoryCorps (story recording & sharing project, great for budding podcasters)
Sudoku (the classic number puzzle using the digits 1-9)
TED-Ed (video lessons for kids, including Earth School and All Together Cleanup)
Tested (where Adam Savage, from Mythbusters, shares his builds & skills)
Templatemaker (custom sized papercraft & packaging templates)
Thingiverse (digital design files for 3d Printing)
Tinkercad (easy 3D design software, often used for 3d printing)
Tower of Hanoi Puzzle (can you move all the discs from the 1st to the last)
Toy Theater (virtual manipulatives for Math & Science)
Ultimate Tic Tac Toe (1 or 2 player, 9 tic tac toe boards at once)
Unruly Splats (combining coding & physical activity)
Vex Coding (coding for Vex robotics)
VEX Code VR (code a Virtual Robot to accomplish challenges)
(currently not working) Which One Doesn’t Belong (thought provoking puzzles for Math)