Jennifer Lee Quattrucci is an Early Childhood and Elementary School educator who has 23 years experience teaching at risk, Title 1 communities in the inner city of Providence, RI. As…
Andrew Kauffman is a lifelong learner who enjoys thinking about creating a culture of thinking and creation in all who he works with. How do we approach any level of…
Last week our students had the opportunity to have some fun while trying out their problem solving & teamwork skills at a “Day of STEM.” These don’t occur every day,…
Alice Aspinall is a passionate high school mathematics teacher in Windsor, Ontario. She loves spending time with her husband and two children reading books, playing math games, and exploring the…
Angela Abend is a 30 year veteran of the Oceanside School District in New York. She began her teaching career with sixth grade and a focus on social studies; she…
STEM Everyday: #119 | Sparking a Desire to Create Using Childhood Imagination | feat. Mandi Figlioli
0Mandi Figlioli is an Instructional Designer, K-12 Administrator, MakerED Advocate, and Author of Miss Makey and the Magic Bin. In 2014, She was introduced to the maker movement by the…
How would you like to explore the world around you in ways you never thought possible? How would you like your kids to explore in ways they never thought…
Jorge Valenzuela has served as an educator for the past 15 years and holds both computer science and administrative credentials. He coaches hundreds of educators- both face to face and…
STEM Everyday: #116 | Staying Curious, Being Excited, and Find Ways to Make the World A Little Better | feat. Mika McKinnon
0Mika McKinnon is a Consultant, Public Speaker, and Writer in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. A physicist and geophysicist she specializes in all the apocalyptic disasters — tsunami, earthquakes, asteroid impacts…
Stephen says it took him about 40 years to decide what he wanted to be. He subcontractor for Southern California Edison, in construction, specialized in wooden boat construction for museums,…