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Eric Iversen – Engineering In K-12 Education (STEM Everyday #14)


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Dr. Eric Iversen is the VP Learning and Communications.  Start Engineering’s purpose is to inspire and engage children from elementary school through high school about engineering. The books and learning resources from Start Engineering aim to create an environment where children can learn about the crucial role engineering plays in their lives.

In the book, “Dream, Invent, Create,”  poetry and whimsical, fun illustrations are used to help children learn engineering plays a crucial role in their lives. “Start Engineering,” the career guide book (coming out Jan. 2015) for advanced middle-school and high-school students, will introduce exciting career options, with information on innovations and trends in space exploration, energy, robotics, computer science, prosthetics, environmental issues, sports technology, cyber security and more.

Join Chris Woods and his guest Dr. Eric Iversen they discuss how to encourage kids to dream, invent, and create a better world for themselves and others through engineering.Screen Shot 2014-12-11 at 10.13.26 PM

Eric Iversen, Ph.D.
VP for Learning and Communications
Start Engineering
Find Eric on LinkedIn or Twitter @StartEngNow
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