The STEM Everyday podcast (started 10 years & 275+ episodes ago) provides practical help for teachers to build a STEM culture. I interview educators, authors, & innovators who are experts at bringing STEM learning to classrooms, schools, and communities.
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Listen to archived episodes below, and if you’re interested in being a guest on the STEM Everyday Podcast, email Chris at
- 289 Jason McKenna…VP at VEX Robotics & Author of What STEM Can Do (also #241)
- 288 Mister Marx…YouTube Math Teacher
- 287 Jason Erdreich…K-16 STEM Teacher & Author of Taking Tinkercad to the Next Level
- 286 Eric Robinson…HS Science Teacher
- 285 Alex Grab…Director at National Space Foundation
- 284 Kristin Jansen…NASA Public Affairs Specialist at RPS
- 283 Carlos Romero…Engineer & Mgr of Global Technology at Walgreens
- 282 Omar Cortez…Robotics Teacher & Author of Meshed Gears
- 281 Jerry Wooden…CEO of eDynamicLearning for digital CTE courses
- 280 Kath Geramita…Co-Founder of CreositySpace learning
- 279 Cameron Ross…STEM Teacher & Digital Learning Coach in Australia
- 278 Ann Woo…Samsung Solve For Tomorrow Competition (also #253)
- 277 Kari Byron & Jenny Buccos…National STEM Festival (also #255)
- 276 Holly Stuart…Educator & Foldscope microscope enthusiast
- 275 Kim Collazo…Educator & Author of children’s books
- 274 Sharon Hagle…SpaceKids Global Press Squad Update (also #266)
- 273 Juan Valentin from the USPTO & two teen inventors
- 272 Tara Koehler & John Sammon…Teachers & Authors of The Tapas Approach to PBL
- 271 Mike Cairns…Inventor of Nurcs craft stick connectors
- 270 Ed Charlwood…Design & Tech teacher in UK, & Author of Mastering Tinkercad
- 269 Jenny Young…Engineer, Maker, & founder of Brooklyn Robot Foundry
- 268 Amy Ely….STEM Teacher & Director of STEM at DCC
- 267 Jennifer Dewar…Asst Principal at Oklahoma Connections Academy
- 266 Sharon Hagle…Astronaut, Entrepreneur, & founder of SpaceKids Global
- 265 Daren Heaton…Exec Director of Science of Sport
- 264 Darryl Williams…Executive at The Franklin Institute
- 263 Adam Todd…K-5 Media Arts teacher & host of Classroom Dynamics Podcast
- 262 Nicole Otte…Former HS Eng Teacher & Workforce Development at Endress+Hauser
- 261 Josh Korb…Teacher & author of Be The Cause
- 260 Mike Harmon…Tinkercad expert & former MS Tech teacher
- 259 Harshal Chhaya…Engineer & STEM Product Manager
- 258 VEX Robotics w/Lauren Harter…Director of Instructional Technology at VEX
- 257 Gareth Campbell…Former teacher & Artist/Creator of MoSAIC Art
- 256 Chad LeDune…STEM Instructional Coach & Author of Discomfort by Design
- 255 Kari Byron…Mythbuster & National STEM Challenge Director
- 254 Matt Zigler…K-12 STEM Teacher & Author of 3 Modes of Making (also #211)
- 253 Ann Woo…Samsung Director of Corporate Citizenship & Solve For Tomorrow Competition
- 252 Jeremy Adams…HS Teacher & Author of Hollowed Out
- 251 Paul Shircliff...Maker Teacher and Mobile Maker (also #183 & #184)
- 250 Ekuwah Moses…K-5 Engineering Teacher & Author of My Name is an Address (also #99)
- 249 Dr Paula Grisanti…STEM Cell Research & the STEM Scholar Program
- 248 CAD Class…Josh & Jake from
- 247 Kevin White…MS STEM Teacher
- 246 Ann Woo…Samsung Director of Corporate Citizenship (also #232)
- 245 Sam Quansah…Founder & Program Director of Algopeers in Ghana
- 244 Dan Klitsner…Industrial Designer & inventor of games like Bop It!
- 243 Colleen McDaniel…Educator & Specialist at Vernier Science Education
- 242 Darrell Wakelam…Artist, Educator, Author of Art Shaped
- 241 Jason McKenna…Educator, Author of What STEM Can do For Your Classroom
- 240 John Stancek…HS Science Teacher & DoD STEM Ambassador
- 239 Dustin Goldie…HS Employability Teacher
- 238 Andrea Mango…K-4 STEAM Teacher
- 237 Athena Brensberger…Science communicator
- 236 Trey Moore…Artist & CTE Educator
- 235 EarthEcho…The OurEchoChallenge & Biodiversity opportunities (Also #193)
- 234 Libo Valencia…Teacher & Author of Math Play
- 233 Jeff Imrich…Rock By Rock project based learning
- 232 Samsung Solve for Tomorrow…The 13th Annual Engineering contest (Also #217)
- 231 NASA Education…Cindy Hasselbring & Stephanie Stern-Protz talking CONNECTS
- 230 Chuck Gardner…Asst Director of
- 229 Cindy Lawrence…Director & CEO of the National Museum of Math
- 228 Charlotte Law…The 2022 Inspire2Dev Hackathon for middle schoolers
- 227 Erik Thorstensson…Inventor of Strawbees
- 226 Jim Emslander…3M Scientist & part of 3M Young Scientist Challenge
- 225 Mike Schloff…Founder of Maplewoodshop woodworking for kids
- 224 NASA STEM…Mike Kincaid & Alicia Baturoni Cortez talking Artemis
- 223 Alyssa Carson…College student & Aspiring future Astronaut
- 222 Adam Bellow…Teacher, Founder, & CEO of BreakoutEDU
- 221 Scott Buell…Educator & founder of Drone Legends
- 220 John VanDusen…Teacher, Coach, Soldier, & Author of Lesson 1
- 219 Josh Zimmerman…Educator & founder of Brown Dog Gadgets
- 218 Keven Rinaman…Teacher & Author of 3DU: A Guide to 3D Printing
- 217 Samsung Solve for Tomorrow…The 12th Annual Engineering contest
- 216 Grace Dirig…Host on The King of Random YouTube channel
- 215 Anurupa Ganguly…Educator & Founder of PrismsVR
- 214 Bonnie Kirkley…Teacher (K-5 STEM & Gifted) & Podcaster
- 213 Tinkering with Tales…A book about STEM & Fairy Tales
- 212 Christine Dixon & Marla Rosenthal…STEM Innovation educators in CA
- 211 Matt Zigler…Maker teacher and all around artist
- 210 Shari Eskenas…Electrical Engineer & Author of A Day in Code books
- 209 Gene “Herb” Clark…My grandpa, WWII vet & maker of moon rover parts
- 208 Inspire2Dev…Free Virtual Middle School Hackathon on July 24, 2021
- 207 Jennifer Swanson…Author, Educator, & Host of Solve it For Kids Podcast (also #175 & #170)
- 206 Anna Sanno…Engineer at VolvoCE & part of Project Vera for girls in Engineering
- 205 Fi Morrison…Teacher & Creator of STEM ED Magazine
- 204 Jim Cybulski…Co-Inventor of Foldscope portable microscope
- 203 Carly & Adam…Educators & hosts of the STEM Teacher Summit
- 202 Kayla Norville…Middle school STEM coordinator & BrightInTheMiddle creator
- 201 Avalon Berry…Creator of STEMpede Virtual Women in STEM Event
- 200 Katie Jamieson…Founder of STEM Leads the Way
- 199 Connie Liu…Founder of Project Invent
- 198 Robert Schulman…Prosthetist & Founder/President of Limb Kind Foundation
- 197 Laurie Wallmark…Author of Women in STEM books & Computer Scientist (also # 174)
- 196 Jeremy Keeshin…Founder/CEO of CodeHS & Author of Read, Write, Code
- 195 Kevin Nolten…Director of
- 194 Erik Youngman…Educator & Author of 12 Characteristics of Deliberate Homework
- 193 EarthEcho…Philippe Cousteau Jr & Stacey Rafalowski and the OurEcho Challenge
- 192 Patricia Newman…Author of Planet Ocean
- 191 Emily Hunt…Teacher & Author of 15 Minute STEM
- 190 Joshua Pearce…Professor & open-source making expert
- 189 DC Comics…Shari & Matt Brady, contributors to Flash Facts
- 188 Miriam Tocino…Educator & Author of Zerus and Ona books
- 187 Keven Rinaman…Teacher & Technology Director in Ohio
- 186 Future Goals Virtual Science Fair…A free science fair (concluding Jan 15, 2021)
- 185 Marsha Tufft…Former GE Aviation Engineer & Children’s book author
- 184 Paul Shircliff (Part 2)…Teacher, Maker, Innovator, Speaker
- 183 Paul Shircliff (Part 1)…Teacher, Maker, Innovator, Speaker
- 182 Grant Hosford…CEO of codeSpark Academy
- 181 Ethan Klein…Teenage Co-Founder of 3Dux cardboard connectors
- 180 Valerie Sousa…Teacher (Kindergarten) & author of Coding to Kindness
- 179 Anthony Chiles…Teacher/Principal in Georgia
- 178 Building STEPS…Baltimore organization helping underserved kids into College & Careers
- 177 Melanie Peffer…Teacher (University Biology) & author of Biology Everywhere
- 176 Dan Mantz…CEO of Robotics Education & Competition (REC) Foundation
- 175 Jen Swanson…Host of Solve it for Kids Podcast
- 174 Laurie Wallmark…Author of Children’s books (STEAM Team Books) & Computer Scientist
- 173 Vicky Fang…Author of Children’s books (STEAM Team Books) & Design Expert
- 172 Spencer Sharp…Teacher (K-5 STEM) in Indiana
- 171 Chuck Stoffle…Teacher (K-5 STEM & Makerspace) in Ontario, Canada
- 170 Jen Swanson…Author of Children’s books and creator of
- 169 Darcy Pattison…Author of Children’s books (STEAM Team Books)
- 168 Shelly Gruenig…Career coach & CEO of Be Greater Than Average
- 167 Chris Anderson…Host of Science Around Cincy
- 166 Andre Daughty & Jorge Valenzuela (Part 2)… Finding your voice
- 165 Andre Daughty & Jorge Valenzuela (Part 1)… Seeing kids’ greatness
- 164 Andy Losik…Teacher (K-4 STEM) in Hamilton, Michigan
- 163 STEM in 30…Emmy nominated program from the Smithsonian’s Air & Space Museum
- 162 Briana Titi…eSports communications director at Emerald Foundation
- 161 Kirsten Larson…Author of Children’s books (STEAM Team Books)
- 160 Wendy Turner…Teacher (2nd) & SEL Expert
- 159 Mindy Pastuszak…Teacher (K-5 STEAM) in Virginia
- 158 Mike Duvarney…Head of USA BMX Foundation (provides STEM resources)
- 157 Tim Needles…Teacher (Art & Technology) & author of STEAM Power
- 156 Jason Krueger…Creator of Stratostar (sending weather balloons to the stratosphere)
- 155 Liz Gallo…Teacher & Founder of WhyMaker (Makerspace consulting & training)
- 154 Gil Poznanski…Teacher, Creative Technologist, Maker, & Speaker in Melbourne, Australia
- 153 Sarah Rivera…Teacher (HS Science) in Ohio
- 152 Kristina Holzweiss…Librarian, Makerspace expert, & Author of Hacking School Libraries
- 151 Tania Bumstead…Teacher (6-8 Science) in Ontario, Canada
- 150 Bryanne Leeming…Creator & CEO of Splats, a coding & physical fitness device
- 149 Sarita Menon…Creator & Editor of Smore Magazine
- 148 Cat Warren…Journalist & Author of What the Dog Knows (a book about science & dogs)
- 147 Erin Twamley…Author of Everyday STEM Superheroes
- 146 Janelle McLaughlin…Education Speaker, Consultant, & Writer
- 145 Jorge Valenzuela…PBL & CS & Computational Thinking Expert, Educational Coach, Blogger & Author of Rev Up Robotics (also # 117)
- 144 Jennifer George…Fashion Designer, Rube Goldberg’s granddaughter, & head of Rube Goldberg Inc
- 143 Tim Cavey…Teacher (8th) in British Columbia & host of the Teachers on Fire Podcast
- 142 Mista Pat (AKA Pat Person)…Coding and STEM speaker & host of upcoming PBS show Technology with Mista Pat
- 141 Jeff Kirschner…CEO of Litterati (the crowdsourced litter pick-up and data analysis app)
- 140 Alison Donald…Author of the children’s book The Spacesuit
- 139 Erin Riley…Teacher (K-12 Engineering, Art, & Design) & author of The Art of Digital Fabrication
- 138 Leslie Edmonds…Teacher (K-12) & Consultant for Visually Impaired students
- 137 Jon Smith…Teacher, Speaker, & Book Creator App expert
- 136 Maya Ajmera…President /CEO of Society for Science and the Public (Science News, Intl Science Fair, & Broadcom Masters)
- 135 Jacie Maslyk…Asst Superintendent, Author, & STEAM/Makerspace Expert (also Ep.104)
- 134 Chris Perkins…Teacher (Primary STEM) in Adelaide, Australia
- 133 Mike Ransford…Teacher (K-5 STEM) in Ohio
- 132 Alan Small…Teacher of Science, Author, & Driver of the STEM Bus
- 131 Eric Iverson…Cybersecurity & Engineering advocate at Start Engineering
- 130 The ISTE STEM Network…Julianne, Jessica, & Charles from the ISTE STEM Network
- 129 Jenny Mitchell…Teacher (Middle School ELA) in Ohio
- 128 Susan Crouse…Founder/CEO of Traxart Toys, makers of Kinazium Robot Maze
- 127 Bill Van Loo (Part 2)…Teacher (K-8 STEAM) , Musician, & Artist in Michigan
- 126 Bill Van Loo (Part 1)…Teacher (K-8 STEAM), Musician, & Artist in Michigan
- 125 Tori Cameron…Teacher (Elementary STEAM) & Host of STEAM up the Classroom Podcast (also Ep. 89)
- 124 Laurie Green (Mrs Geeky)…EdTech Consultant, Speaker, & Trainer
- 123 Jennifer Quattrucci…Teacher (Elementary) & Author of Educate the Heart (Screen Free Activities for PreK-6)
- 122 Andrew Kauffman…Teacher (Elementary STEM) & Photographer
- 121 Alice Aspinall…Teacher (HS Math) & Author of Everyone Can Learn Math
- 120 Angela Abend…Teacher (Gifted Students) in New York
- 119 Mandi Figlioli…Makerspace Expert, K-12 Administrator, & Author of Miss Makey & the Magic Bin
- 118 Ben Kidd…Co-Founder of Curiscope (maker of the AR t-shirt Virtuali-Tee)
- 117 Jorge Valenzuela…PBL & CS & Computational Thinking Expert, Educational Coach, Blogger & Author (also Ep.145)
- 116 Mika McKinnon…Sci-Fi Consultant, Disaster Researcher, & Geophysicist
- 115 Stephen Routh…Teacher (6-8 Making & STEM) in Georgia
- 114 Kasey Brida-Alonso…Grad Student Researcher in Neuroscience
- 113 Adam Chamberlin & Sveti Matejic…Teachers & Authors of Quit Point
- 112 Sara MacSorley…Author of Super Cool Scientists
- 111 Ken Scheel…Founder of Keva Planks
- 110 Jason Hubbard (Part 2)…Teacher (5-6 STEM) in Ohio & expert on googly eyes
- 109 Jason Hubbard (Part 1)…Teacher (5-6 STEM) in Ohio & all around good guy
- 108 Rachael Mann…Education Speaker, CTE Advocate, & Author of The Martians in Your Classroom
- 107 Brian Keating…Physics Prof (U-Cal SD), Speaker, & Author of Losing the Nobel Prize
- 106 Valerie Perez…Teacher (3rd STEAM) in California
- 105 Meghan Johann…Teacher (Elementary) in California
- 104 Jacie Maslyk… Asst Superintendent, Author, & STEAM/Makerspace Expert (also Ep.135)
- 103 Kyle Niemis…EdTech Coach & Co-Creator of The ClassroomQ
- 102 Nathalie Roy…Teacher (Roman Technology & Latin) in Louisiana
- 101 Chris Aviles…Teacher (6-8 ELA, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship), Gamification Expert, & eSports Coach
- 100 Catherine Granton… Ass’t Director of Education at Gotham Whale in NY & Marine Scientist
- 99 Ekuwah Moses…Family Engagement Facilitator for FACES in Las Vegas, Nevada
- 98 Rhia Stark…Librarian & STEM Specialist for TLC Smart Tech
- 97 Mark Behnke…Teacher (HS Sports Journalism & Digital Media & ELA) in Michigan
- 96 Abigail Edgecliffe-Johnson…RC Car Maker & Cake Artist
- 95 Cesar Martins…MakePi tablets
- 94 Lois Melbourne…Author of My Future Story STEM Club books
- 93 Bill Matheny…Animator for shows & books including Woodsy the Owl
- 92 Mary Ledford & Julie Smith…Teachers (Elementary) & EdTech Consultant (Julie) with ELA focus
- 91 Nancy Penchev…Teacher (Elementary) & Media and Instructional Technology Coordinator
- 90 Samantha du Preez…Community Engagement for EVERFI K12 resources
- 89 Tori Cameron…Teacher (Elementary STEAM) & Host of STEAM up the Classroom Podcast (Also Ep. 125)
- 88 Tamara Robertson (Part 2)…Actress (Mythbusters & SciJinks), Maker, & ComiCon Superhero Scientist
- 87 Tamara Robertson (Part 1)…Actress (Mythbusters & SciJinks), Maker, & ComiCon Superhero Scientist
- 86 Coding Park…Amine & Jabir share how they created Coding Park, a coding game
- 85 Andrea Beaty…Author of Rosie Revere, Iggy Peck, Ada Twist, & more
- 84 Scott Donnelly…Teacher (Elementary STEM & Social Studies) in Pennsylvania
- 83 Brittany Ballou…Teacher (Elementary STEAM) in Virginia
- 82 Kory Graham…Teacher (Elementary Innovations) in Minnesota
- 81 Jodie Lang…Teacher (Elementary) in Ontario
- 80 Marion Leary…Director of Resuscitation Science (and much more) at U of Pennsylvania
- 79 The Purpose of Projects in the Classroom…Chris Woods
- 78 Lea Melchior…President of Golden Research (robotic arms for the classroom)
- 77 Jesse McNulty…Instructional Tech Coach & Sports Analytics
- 76 Creating a STEM Culture…Chris Woods
- 75 Judy Zimny...VP of National Institute for STEM Education
- 74 Telling STEM Stories…Chris Woods
- 72 Mark French…Principal (K-5) in Minnesota
- 71 Camping…Chris Woods
- 70 My Birthday & STEM…Chris Woods
- Special Episode…Gene Clark (my Grandpa)…WWII Navy & the history of STEM
- 67 Christine Cunningham…EIE Director & Founder
- 66 Jenna Mercury…Science educator for kids
- 65 STEM Ideas for Summer…Chris Woods
- 63 Tony Tatangelo…Teacher (K) in Michigan
- 62 Daniel Mares…Instructional Tech Specialist (K-12) in Michigan
- 61 Mary Ann Rogers Lamberth…Teacher (Film & Broadcasting) in Georgia
- 59 The Moment You Realize You Were Meant to be a Teacher…Chris Woods
- 58 Roopesh Shenoy…Creator of Monster Math
It doesn’t matter what subject or grade level is being taught, STEM can be incorporated into all classrooms and every home. The STEM Everyday podcast aims to help educators give every student opportunities to learn and build skills that lead to amazing careers.